• COMING 2024

    The DOTK Family Network

    The DOTK Family Network is an online training community that brings believers together to foster a greater sense of fellowship and to study the culture of the Kingdom of God. With over 200 Christian denomiations in America and over 45,000 worldwide; believer's must ask some important questions. Am I in alignment with God's Kingdom through Jesus Christ? Jesus preached and taught a Kingdom message, am I apart of a religious denomination that doesn't completely follow God's Kingdom? Do I have the same priorities Jesus taught during his time on earth? In "The Kingdom of God" course, learn God's priorities and why it protects us from religion, tradition and legalism of man. The Discipelship Training is a 12 module line upon line, precept upon precept training that helps you grow as a disciple. The "Seed Principle" will empower you with understanding; allowing you to walk in the power of God. "The Blood of the King" is a powerful course that will give you condifience to walk in the authority given to you by the King of Kings.

    The Kingdom of God


    Matthew 6:33

    Repent! For the Kingdom is at hand. Jesus taught the Kingdom culture. God's priority gives us the correct perspective of His Word. Seek first the Kingdom!

    Discipleship Training


    Matthew 28:19

    Making disciples is a command from the King. Believers are commisioned to make disciples. This training will help you grow as a disciple and go make other disciples.

    Seed Principle


    1 Corinthians 13:11

    Take a journey into the understanding of what makes the world go round. The insights you will receive will guide you and your loved ones into the "life" God intended.

    The Blood of The King


    1 Peter 1:18-19

    The Blood of Jesus shows how much God loves us. It shows how much he values us. See the power and authority of the Blood of Jesus through the Kingdom.

  • Coming Spring 2024  

    The College Battleground is a must for any young person transitioning from high school to college. It is vitally important to young believers to see this documentary. Prepare your child for the spiritual battleground they will face when they attend college. Cultural War will have you evaluating your heart. In the Garden of Eden God asked Adam, "Who told you that you were anaked?" "Have you eaten from the tree whose fruit I commanded you not to eat?" Does your core belief line up with the Kingdom of God? Do you find yourself saying, "God knows my hear?" Is there someting of someone you love more than God? Cultural Was will challegen you and bring you into the heart of God.

    "The College Battleground"

    Research has revealed over the past few years anywhere from 52% all the way up to 63% of freshmen who identify as a born-again believer after 4 years of college will completely reject their faith.

    "Cultural War"

    Its not what goes into a man that defiles him, but what comes out. Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. How much have you been impacted by the clashing cultures of today?  

  • Share Your Testimony


    Share Your Testimony

    Partner with us!

    DOTK has partnered with One Touch Media to bring you faithful testimonies of believers. Revelation 12:11 says, "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death."
    Encourage others by sharing your testimony. We are looking for believers who will partner with us to share their testimony to help others. Hearing from people with life changing testimonies that inspire the heart can make an impact in someone's life.


    A witness give testimony to the truth. Click here to partner with us for the chance to share your testimony.